PyData Skopje January 2024
Start: 30.01.2024 @ 17:00
Join us on Tuesday, 30.01.2024 for the first PyData Meetup of the new year, the meet up will be held in Base42, a local hackerspace in Skopje.
This time we will have the opportunity to learn about something new in AI and Machine Learning - NeRFS or Neural Radience Fields, a very intricate technique of generating 3D space from 2D inputs.
Talk: But what is a Neural Radiance Field?
Over the last few years, NeRFs took over the Computer Graphics community by storm. Neural Radiance Field (a.k.a NeRF) is a neural network which models the geometry and appearance of a static 3D scene from its 2D images with known camera poses. We will define the problem, NeRF's novel approach and finally we will look at some cool 3D objects. By the way, we will train the NeRF right there, live. Don't worry, thanks to Instant Neural Graphics Primitives this should take JUST A COUPLE OF SECONDS.
About the speaker
Dushko Klincharov
Dushko Klincharov is a Software Engineer at CodeChem. He is currently enrolled in a Master's program at the University of Bonn. His focus are the fields of Machine Learning and Computer Vision.
Call for presenters
Do you enjoy sharing knowledge and like public speaking? Do you just enjoy sharing knowledge but are unsure how you feel about public speaking? Even if you're not 100% about public speaking, PyData is a very welcoming community and we appreciate any talks about sharing knowledge given by anyone passionate enough to share them.
Sign up to speak on the next PyData:
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